Thursday, August 19, 2010

How should I do my hair for crazy hair day tommorow?

Ok, so tommorow is crazy hair day and I have no idea what to do with my hair. My hair is a little below my shoulder, thick, and a little bit wavy, so what should I do with it? I will do anything except put it in a ponytail or spray hair color on it. I have pretty much any hair appliance you could think of. Curling iron, flat iron, headbands, ect. Any ideas would be great.

Thanks so Much! %26lt;3How should I do my hair for crazy hair day tommorow?
maybe add volume to it and then puff it out and curl it really good. then put a hair band that doesnt match your clothes.How should I do my hair for crazy hair day tommorow?
put it in a pony tail, and then divide that pony tail into two and band it, then divide each one of those into two and band it, and then divide each one of those and band it, etc, etc. Then you'll have one giant net of hair that looks freakin sweet. you could spray paint sections with different colors too.
Put a water bottle in hair!

tip your head over and split you hair down the middle. Fill a water bottle up with water (or some kind or liquid) and put it where you split your hair then put your hair so its covering the water bottle. put in a hair tie around the cap of the water bottle. this is a really fun thing to do. and its very easy

hope i helped!鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

seperate your hair int many sections alike 6 or eight and for each section make a differant hair style. like for exapmle: one section would have a brid going int oa ponytail andd then 3 braids and do some thing differnet w/ each i didhtat nadi got like first place for my school but that wasl ike 7 years ago.

hope i helped. =]
Does your hair get puffy whenever it's done drying without putting anything done to it like straighting it or blowdrying it. If it does then let your hair dry naturally(meaning not putting any heat to it or mousse) and then make style it into a Afro :)
curl it and make it frizzy and puffy.
  • hair bands
  • thinning hair
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