Saturday, August 21, 2010

How to curl my hair?

i've tried to curl my hair several times with the curling iron but it never comes out comes out jagged i don't have a flat iron i have a regular one..How to curl my hair?
did u kno that curls hold better in dirty hair?

now im not talin bout a week dirty hair...ew.

i mean lik, take a shower one day, nd the next day, dont shower, curl ur hair that day...

**the other trick HaIrSpRaY

-hairspray a section of hair that ur gonna curl nd comb through so the spray spreads...

-curl the hair wit curlin iron

-hairspray the hair (while its curlin wit iron) then even the spread of the hairspray by spreadin it wit a napkin, or ur fingers *careful its really hot*

-let go of the curlin iron after 10-20 seconds

-hairspray again

-do this all around the head...

-u can run ur fingers through ur hair to get a gentle curl nd a bit mor curls...How to curl my hair?
If you want to curl you hair. what really works, if you put a little bit of greese on the hairs that you are goin to curl..that helps b/c i did my friends hair like that and if came out really good.
have a look on websites for tips or ask a friend who can curl their hair to help you out.You can always try curlers...yea
use rollers...

put a setting lotion in it...put the rollers in and sit under a dryer...

or you could leave it in overnight and let it airdry....
This is what my sister does for a temporary curl. She ties her hair in pleats and sleep on it overnight. Next morning, she removes the bands and her hair is curly for the day. =)
try holding the curler in longer, or it just might be the type of hair you have, because no matter how long i held the curler in my hair didn't curl, but now it does because i got a perm and i guess the chemicals from the perm made my hair become more capable of being curled and it gets really curly.

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